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Preserving a Legacy or Slowly Destroying It?

Have you noticed the shifting landscape of a lot of dance companies? Personally, I have engaged in conversation that has caused me to make very interesting observations about professional dance and "company looks".  It may not mean much to everyone but the look a company presents is their introduction to the world. Before great choreography and even beyond snatched, lengthened and limber bodies, the look of a professional dance company also encompasses its vision and legacy. So, naturally, I was shaken to my core to hear Dallas Black's board president stand on their decision to terminate all of its main company dancers. I have shared before, my divine experience with receiving wisdom and knowledge about what it would take to be a professional dancer. I was 13 years old and had just cut out that famous "tilt jump" photograph of Linda Celeste Sims (an Alvin Ailey legend) to tape inside of my agenda book. It was in that moment I began to formulate the importance of

What Dancing Through a Pandemic Taught Me

 It's such a strange time. 

I never imagined having to dance through days like these. From internet panels to social media posts, the "name of the game" is survival. Whether it's companies working to translate their repertoire or theaters having to choose from housing artistic presentations or their doors remaining closed, mostly everyone seems to be in some sort of survival mode.


When I think about dancing at a time like this I immediately recognize how blessed I truly am. Although my dancing, much like the majority, began at home, clutching a dining room chair, I have since then toured, danced in multiple theaters and moved to a completely new state. This entire transition has been exciting. There is a part, however, that has been less than thrilling. 

While the world of dance is experiencing a shift, and maybe even finding new breath in this climate, the subtle whiff of racial isolation stands strong. With all that has been taking place within the last year, I have recently found it necessary to say that I've never been one to "dig" into the racial disparity of the dance life. However, when confronted with issues, it has almost felt as a duty to experience, assess and handle each situation as they come. 


Every situation does not warrant my response but every one of them was deserving of my fullest attention.   The questionable situations I have experienced within the past four months have heightened my awareness of the uneven playing field black women start off of on, in the dance world. I have become more insightful as I think about my part; "taking in" those tough moments so other black dancers who will follow in my footsteps can walk with their chests lifted and heads held high. 

While this is still a weird time for dance, it is a very real time for me. As a dancer, right now, I bask in the beauty of my passion, and the reality of my difference. While many are longing to get back to the camaraderie that is being within a company or even on projects together, I enter my workspace daily never feeling a part unless I barge my way in. While the world grasps for comfort in every waking word of their local news anchors, I go throughout my workspace sometimes having to swallow the words of others for the sake of Godliness (which is greatest) and my responsibility as a trailblazer. Thousands of people across the world feel as though life is passing them by as they sit home and reminisce about their favorite hangout. Most days, I spend the day dancing, pondering how none of the uncomfortable moments have to get me down because I am simply "jete-ing", by. There have been days where I've reminisced on the explored lives of Janet Collins, Delores Brown, Joan Myers Brown, Raven Wilkinson, Misty Copeland, and much like their audacious hope and legendary careers, I too will occupy many more spaces.

...And much like this unforeseen time, I will conquer the days by keeping my dreams socially distant before me, while my hands and heart remain "disinfectant" clean. 

It is such a strange time.

A real time.

A legendary time.


  1. So beautifully written Trinity. I can imagine the courage you need every day to continue pushing against the grain having future generations of dancers in mind. That is a true trailblazer attitude! I pray God releases His grace upon you to keep leading the way with love, poise, joy, and overwhelming peace for His glory. Good read sis!


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