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Once Again, It's Time for A Dance Revolution

 The world of dance is approaching the height of an Arts era that has not been experienced since the very fresh arrival of Mikhail Baryshnikov's beauty and brilliance on United States soil. Just reading about the times and the likes of him, Judith Jamison and even others before them; I become inspired all over again. It's really such a wonderful way to imagine dancing, in a world that has no choice but to welcome dance's force and impact, through the lens of brilliant artists who took a chance on themselves for the love of the art. It was brave! Those historic moments took the world, various industries alike, by storm. And for the first time ever, I am over the moon with excitement that a time such as that has come around again.  I never knew what I was waiting on. Beyond the work I've done, classes I've taken, shows I've performed in, there came a point where I wanted something to change. I wanted more. Then, suddenly, I knew something was brewing but couldn...

Why It Is Useful To Redfine What it is to Be A Black Dancer pt2

 Taking pride in who you are in the world of dance also has an affect on younger, aspiring artists. This can be a positive or negative impact depending on how you carry yourself. What you stand for and believe is also pertinent to their growth. While not everyone asks to be role models you have to know that in pivotal moments of history people will look to those with loud voices. The year of 2020 brought out creativity and boldness in dancers all across the world. Some focused on reintroducing the longstanding topic of equity and inclusion, as well as racism within dance companies while others harnessed those topics, their concerns, and created their own spaces as a solution to the issues. There is something I feel is worth mentioning. I realize that most may not agree with this thought but if we can be honest, there is validity to it. In the midst of inspiring younger black dancers, especially in a time as today, it is important to train the up and encourage them within the art first. At base level we should be training their minds to realize that nothing is too far out of their reach-- that they can accomplish great things and watch their dreams come true. When I began training in dance with actual technique classes I was in middle school. All the way through high school I experienced training with both white and black dancers. Throughout those years I only had two black full-time dance teachers. Although post high school I would experience the sting of looking different and hearing racially charged comments I am thankful my black dance teachers did not steer our technique training with the "black dancer narrative". It is my belief that their choice to focus solely on our training is part of the reason I feel comfortable standing in any room today. I didn't get to that point instantly. There were more than a few moments I felt inferior because I lacked confidence in my ability to perform but I never wrestled with deficits of being a black dancer. Those two black teachers gave me solid building blocks. I have seen things that suggest to young black dancers that their being black needs to be accommodated. The issue I have with this is that it can groom dancers to only be drawn to companies and spaces that are filled with black people. Because I have experienced, like many others, the difference in a room where you're the majority versus the minority I am not saying an all black or mostly black environment isn't comforting. I am saying however, that black dancers should not restrict themselves to majority-ruled rooms because of some disproportionate behaviors that do exist and have been experienced. If the goal is to be recognized and accepted overall how can that happen within our own dance groups. Sure we can celebrate each others but that is not an answer that will render solutions to the exclaims of there needing to be more equity, inclusion, visibility and representation in dance companies. It is impossible to make strides in spaces we exclude ourselves from. Young dancers need to know they can thrive in any environment and that not every person is looking to mishandle their talent and value. Some may read this and gather that I am mostly oblivious to some of the harsh realities of navigating the dance world as a black dancer. I am not. As an adult I have faced racially charged comments and passive-aggressive behaviors but I made the decision to accept my beauty and thrive regardless of anyone's unfortunate opinions.


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