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Top 5 Dance Moments of 2024

Is it me or does the sound of this upcoming new year make you think of flying cars and elevators being suspended mid air? We are already knocking on the door of year 2025 but before we sign off let's look at a few top-tier, congratulatory, historic dance moments from this year.  Once you get to the end of my five, feel free to share this article to your social accounts and add your five! No matter what the years bring, dance always leaves me inspired, ignited, reinvigorated and restored. So, here we go! In no particular order, here are my top 5 dance moments of 2024. First up is Robert Battle becoming the resident choreographer for Paul Taylor Company. After over a decade of carrying the legacy of Alvin Ailey as its third Artistic Director, Mr. Battle announced his plans to resign from the position. When I read of the news it was jarring but I figured I had to get over it. Not long after, however, I'd hear of happier news and I couldn't be more delighted for him. Next up i...

The Best Dance Advice

 Over the course of my undergraduate studies and dance career I have heard many suggestions around execution, performance and artistry. More than actual advice for myself as an artist, I can recall notes. Notes, or corrections are great for development of characters, efficiency and technical growth. But in this article I would like to gift you with what I would consider the best dance advice. What I am going to share was born of personal challenges and experiences. This is the secret to my constant love for the art of dance and growth as an artist. Don't compete and don't compare.

The best dance advice I would give anyone is not to compete and never compare. Dance becomes more vulnerable when it takes the shape of a professional career. One can also experience that shift as a collegiate dancer. That was certainly my experience. In a profession like dance, knowing who you are and nurturing your artistic development is paramount. The comparison game will always be distracting and taking on the mindset of "I have to compete with the next dancer" can be a trap. Let's get into this!

Don't compete. While training in college I developed the unique anointing of "I don't care". I would purposefully ignore those around me I knew were looking to compete. The thing is, the rehearsal and training space, to me, are valuable. The hours spent in that lab-like setting prepares you not only for an upcoming performance but it sets your work ethic and will come to define how you interact in various processes. There is no time to play the competing game with surrounding dancers. I am sure you have, as I, heard the "spot narrative". It sounds something like, be careful or someone will take your spot. One truth of the matter is if you go through your training and career obsessed with a spot, you'll always limit yourself from self-discovery and opportunities to learn. Competing is consuming. Your promotion will be inevitable when your focus of the art. If you must compete let it be with musicality of the step, articulation or how far you can stretch your limbs away from your center while keeping the ribcage and abdominals solid. Challenge yourself, not other dancers. 

The second part is not to compare. Simply put, comparing yourself to other dancers in any form can be detrimental to your confidence, courage and candor. Again, dance is vulnerable by nature and what you present puts you in a vulnerable space. Comparing yourself limits your mind, stifles your growth and gives you an unkind view of yourself. Don't do it. It is a trap. 

The greatest and most beautiful dancers work to master their bodies, execution and full expression... all the way through the wrist, to the fingertips.

Focus on what'll get you to that next level. 


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