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Top 5 Dance Moments of 2024

Is it me or does the sound of this upcoming new year make you think of flying cars and elevators being suspended mid air? We are already knocking on the door of year 2025 but before we sign off let's look at a few top-tier, congratulatory, historic dance moments from this year.  Once you get to the end of my five, feel free to share this article to your social accounts and add your five! No matter what the years bring, dance always leaves me inspired, ignited, reinvigorated and restored. So, here we go! In no particular order, here are my top 5 dance moments of 2024. First up is Robert Battle becoming the resident choreographer for Paul Taylor Company. After over a decade of carrying the legacy of Alvin Ailey as its third Artistic Director, Mr. Battle announced his plans to resign from the position. When I read of the news it was jarring but I figured I had to get over it. Not long after, however, I'd hear of happier news and I couldn't be more delighted for him. Next up i...

Why Your Race Should Be Irrelevant

 Kill your obsession with race. When you build a career on the pride of your race, that is as far as you will go and you will always be within those limits. The limits you place on yourself are the ones you will be confined to, one way or another. At times this is the case when you hear of artists being outraged by not receiving the recognition they believe they are deserved. I know I’ve written on this topic extensively but I am willing to bleed this racial monster in the industry dry if only for the sake of the younger dancers who are evolving. 

In another writing of mine I explained how there was a time when I was not exposed to race or potential racial barriers that I could be confronted with. It was not until I took a second to recollect, I found the source of my eyes being opened to it all. Unfortunately, a lot of black institutions and organizations groom black dancers in the woes of their race. Your training somehow will include a preparation of the mind that gets you set to receive improper treatment from those who are not black. Unbeknownst to you, your mind is being warped. That is top tier toxicity. 

If you’re going take pride in anything, let it be detached from the most minimal part of you. I know most people don’t see it this way but the more you carry your race in every project, every company, every stage, every training program— the more you will perpetuate your isolation. There is a difference between standing tall in who you are and wearing your race as a badge of honor. It’s a trap. Kill it. 


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