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Once Again, It's Time for A Dance Revolution

 The world of dance is approaching the height of an Arts era that has not been experienced since the very fresh arrival of Mikhail Baryshnikov's beauty and brilliance on United States soil. Just reading about the times and the likes of him, Judith Jamison and even others before them; I become inspired all over again. It's really such a wonderful way to imagine dancing, in a world that has no choice but to welcome dance's force and impact, through the lens of brilliant artists who took a chance on themselves for the love of the art. It was brave! Those historic moments took the world, various industries alike, by storm. And for the first time ever, I am over the moon with excitement that a time such as that has come around again.  I never knew what I was waiting on. Beyond the work I've done, classes I've taken, shows I've performed in, there came a point where I wanted something to change. I wanted more. Then, suddenly, I knew something was brewing but couldn...

How Exploration Makes You Marketable

As a dancer there are a few ways you can delve into exploration. During your collegiate studies or career it'd be a great idea to use it to your advantage and at any chance you get. Exploration can help you become a pliable artist, a dependable/ ever-dancing artist and can help develop various method of receiving information. Take a look at some ways you take advantage of exploration. 

Having a "target" during classes or rehearsals

If you have had a tough dance day or like me, you are a perfectionist, it can naturally become a goal for you to get everything correct at one time and sometimes you can be so hard on yourself, you miss great moments throughout the day. To focus in on your progress take a day or two to target thing you need to work on. Whether it is a step that shows up constantly in a ballet or an efficiency tool for your greatest, least stressful execution. Try it out.

Taking Different Dance Genre Classes

If you attend a conference or are looking for open classes, every once in a while take a class you don't always have access to. When taking a new class it is important to keep your mind open and remain present. Great gems can be caught when you lock in on that current instructor. You may not aim to make a career out of that particular genre but I can guarantee through sincerity there can be gain.

Taking Class From Various Teachers

This may be my favorite means of exploration by far. Different teachers bring different backgrounds and where you may have never understood a certain correction or explanation, a new teacher can pop in and bring great clarity. One of the beauties of this art form is perspective added to correct teaching. 

There is greater depth to you as an artist when you endeavor to be explorative in you career or training. Watch videos, read articles, listen to a some stories. Being an artist who is marketable is a blessing. It is important to note that responsibility also comes with it. When you are a marketable artist you are sought out and you are reliable. Did you know that you are your own marketing manager? How you carry yourself, the way you perform and all that you bring to the table matters! It is possible to continually maximize yourself through the concept of exploration in dance. 

I know you were probably thinking along the lines of choreographic pioneering or a cool floor work pass. exploration applies there too but I hope this article got you to thinking.


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