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Once Again, It's Time for A Dance Revolution

 The world of dance is approaching the height of an Arts era that has not been experienced since the very fresh arrival of Mikhail Baryshnikov's beauty and brilliance on United States soil. Just reading about the times and the likes of him, Judith Jamison and even others before them; I become inspired all over again. It's really such a wonderful way to imagine dancing, in a world that has no choice but to welcome dance's force and impact, through the lens of brilliant artists who took a chance on themselves for the love of the art. It was brave! Those historic moments took the world, various industries alike, by storm. And for the first time ever, I am over the moon with excitement that a time such as that has come around again.  I never knew what I was waiting on. Beyond the work I've done, classes I've taken, shows I've performed in, there came a point where I wanted something to change. I wanted more. Then, suddenly, I knew something was brewing but couldn...

The Hardest Thing About Dance

Yesterday I asked myself a question:

What is the hardest thing about dance? Have you ever thought about that? Well, it did not take long for me  to decide just how tough of a question that was to answer. After some time I spoke a version of these words into the voice memo application: 

The hardest thing about dance is accepting your body for where it currently is. "Your body" can be a piece of choreography, a certain step you're working at while training or how "in shape" your actual body is. I think the reason this could be one of the toughest partsdance is such a vulnerable art and most definitely even more vulnerable as a profession. But the main way to overcome that difficulty is by embracing the beauty of your body. That is something I have had to learn. 

You also cannot compare yourself to other dancers. When it comes to looking at colleagues when I am questioning the technique of a step, I am comparing. When I feel the need to watch others in rehearsals so that I may learn or become inspired by their interpretation of movement, I am comparing. These are the only ways I have found comparison to be healthy. Any other way can lead you into a dark space.

Like anything in life, you take the hard things, encourage yourself and push until you prevail. 

Embrace where your body is right now. It’ll thank you with progression. 


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