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Once Again, It's Time for A Dance Revolution

 The world of dance is approaching the height of an Arts era that has not been experienced since the very fresh arrival of Mikhail Baryshnikov's beauty and brilliance on United States soil. Just reading about the times and the likes of him, Judith Jamison and even others before them; I become inspired all over again. It's really such a wonderful way to imagine dancing, in a world that has no choice but to welcome dance's force and impact, through the lens of brilliant artists who took a chance on themselves for the love of the art. It was brave! Those historic moments took the world, various industries alike, by storm. And for the first time ever, I am over the moon with excitement that a time such as that has come around again.  I never knew what I was waiting on. Beyond the work I've done, classes I've taken, shows I've performed in, there came a point where I wanted something to change. I wanted more. Then, suddenly, I knew something was brewing but couldn...

The Reason Your Art Isn't Fulfilling

 Art of any kind takes an incredible amount of boldness and focus. The creation of another work that can even become a masterpiece cannot unfold if the attention of the artist is divided amongst other things. For dance artists this divide can look like colleague comparison, doubting yourself when things aren't perfect or being overly frustrated. Eat of these things, while they seem perfectly warranted, can cause you to pull away from or begin to walk away from your passion, the dream, your art.

A dance career can very vulnerable by nature. With so many people around you, so many ideas flowing from choreographers, different expectations from leaders, partners and even the responsibility of living up to/maintaining high level concerts, it is easy to be swallowed up by discontentment and feeling unfulfilled. But we can misplace our greatest passion when we allow our focus to be off for too long.

The reason your art is no longer fulfilling is because you stopped dreaming. Did you know that interacting with your passion and gifts only expands who you are? If you find yourself no longer being lifted or brightened as you dance and create, it is time to reevaluate and refocus. Once you take your mind from the dream other negative things gain a free space to enter.

You aren't losing your touch or creativity. You just may be losing your focus. Take some time this weekend to retreat. Call yourself to dream again and recenter. Remember that "off days" or tough rehearsals are not invitations to play the comparison game. As you recalibrate your mind and heart for your greatest passion, fulfillment will be the order of your day no matter what.

To every dedicated and heart-FUL artist, dance world needs you. We are in a resurgence within our industry and you are a valuable piece of the puzzle. 

Photo by Gene Schiavone


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